Catch the Ace


Hospice Georgina is a caring community of individuals who provide Quality of Life, Dignity throughout the Journey and Grief Support to all those living with or affected by a Life Limiting Illness.
Hospice Georgina is a visiting hospice, providing volunteers, programs and grief support for all those living with or affected by a life limiting illness. We serve Georgina e.g. Keswick, Roche’s Point, Willow Beach, Jackson’s Point, Sutton, Baldwin, Pefferlaw, Udora and Georgina Island.
Our programs provide support, compassion and help individuals to focus on “quality of life” on your terms and at any time on your journey. Providing a listening ear and emotional support to both clients and their family members is central to everything that hospice does. We match clients with caring volunteers who have similar interests and welcome the opportunity to meet, listen, or share common interests.
Catch the Ace?
Catch the Ace Lottery is a Progressive Lottery.
Each week tickets are sold for the opportunity to select the Ace of Spades from a deck of 52 regular playing cards. Prior to the draw, each of the 52 playing cards were placed in brown envelopes. The envelopes were shuffled and numbered 1 to 52.
When tickets are purchased the buyer chooses an envelope number from a list of available numbers, then enters the number on their ticket.
Each week one ticket is drawn. The holder of that ticket automatically wins 20% of that week’s sales. The envelope number noted on the ticket is opened. If the card inside is not the Ace of Spades the card is destroyed and is no longer available for future draws. If the envelope selected is the Ace of Spades then the lottery is finished and the ticket holder wins the weekly prize plus the Ace of Spades pot.
Each week the Ace of Spades progressive pot grows by 30% of the weekly sales.
Each week the lucky winner of the draw receives 20% of the weekly sales.

Regular draws will be held every Wednesday at 6:00pm until the Ace of Spades is found.
WEEK 49:
The winner is Linda Daily, she chose envelope #22, which contained the 3 of diamonds. The Weekly Prize was $16,592.00
Click the below link to watch the draw
How to Play
Pick your envelope and purchase your ticket/s.
Tune in to the weekly ticket draw.
Weekly Winner
If your envelope got picked and it contains the Ace of Spaces you win the progressive Jackpot.
Jackpot Grows
If the Ace of Spades is not found, the Jackpot grows and a new draw begins.


- Tickets may be purchased by individuals 18 years or older and located in the Province of Ontario at the time of purchase.
- Ticket orders are not solicited or accepted from persons outside Ontario. The vendor and purchaser of raffle tickets must both be physically present in Ontario when the sale occurs.
- Tickets are $5.00 each. Some credit and debit cards are accepted as payment when purchasing tickets online at
- Tickets are only valid for the draw held during the week they were purchased (Except for start-ups or exceptional circumstances). (The week begins Thursdays @ 10:00 am when a new series of ticket numbers are made available and paper tickets last until 4:00pm each Wednesday. (Online ticket sales cease at 1:00 pm Wednesdays), followed by the weekly draw at 6:00 PM Wednesdays)
- For in-person purchase of paper tickets, the purchaser must:
- Fill in the ticket, including name, contact information and one (1) envelope number(per ticket). Enter a valid envelope number (1 to 52) from the list of available numbers on display at the sales location.
- Ensure the ticket is filled out completely and legibly.
- For online purchase of e-tickets, the purchaser must:
- Enter details, including name, email, contact information and one (1) envelope number. Select a valid envelope number (1 to 52) from the list of available numbers on the dropdown list.
- Complete the secure payment process using a valid credit or debit card.
- Ticket holders DO NOT need to be present at the draw to win.
- Details (name of purchaser, contact information and envelope # selected) of tickets purchased online will be printed onto paper of the identical size, stock and weight as tickets used for in-person sales and entered into the draw.
- The draw will take place each Wednesday at 6:00 PM at the Hospice Georgina located at 20849 Dalton Rd Sutton West, ON L0E 1R0. [1] One ticket will be randomly drawn by a Catch the Ace Committee member from all tickets sold that week (both in-person and on-line sales). The envelope number shown on the ticket will be opened.
- The amount of the weekly draw prize and the progressive jackpot will be announced prior to each draw.
Distribution of weekly ticket sales revenue is as follows:- 20% to the winning weekly ticket holder;
- 30% will be added to the progressive jackpot, Starting JP at $5000
- 50% will go to the Hospice Georgina to be distributed for charitable purposes.
- The weekly winning ticket holder will win 20% of the weekly ticket sales and the chance to win the current Catch the Ace jackpot.
- If the ticket purchaser fails to enter an envelope number on the ticket, the person conducting the draw will select the lowest-even number envelope. The lowest uneven-numbered envelope shall be chosen if there is no even-number envelope. In the event, the envelope number listed on the ticket has already been selected.
- The winning ticket holder will be notified by phone and advised when and where they can claim their prize. Photo identification will be required to claim any prize. All dividends will be paid by cheque, in Canadian funds, to the person named on the winning ticket.
- If the envelope selected contains the Ace of Spades, the ticket holder receives the amount in the Catch the Ace progressive jackpot. This will conclude the series of draws for this raffle. If the envelope selected does not contain the Ace of Spades, the card will be placed on the board, and the envelope number will be removed from the subsequent draws.
- All draws will be video-recorded to ensure raffle integrity. This includes the ticket’s drawing, the envelope’s selection, opening the envelope, and revealing the card.
- All members of the Hospice Georgina committee are not permitted to purchase tickets.
- Any winner who is paid a prize agrees to grant to the Hospice Georgina Committee an irrevocable right to publish, through all types of media broadcasting, including the internet, to promote the win, their full name, hometown, and photograph without any claim for broadcasting, printing or other rights. The winner who is paid a prize also gives the Hospice Georgina Committee the right to publish any additional information that they voluntarily provide. The winner shall have no claim against the Hospice Georgina Committee for invasion of privacy or any other ground(s) because of the publication or broadcasting of their name, hometown photograph or information voluntarily provided by the winner.
- The winner will provide their full name, address and phone number to the Hospice Georgina Committee, for reporting requirements to AGCO. The address and phone number will NOT be made public.
- Results of the draw will be posted on the website at and on various social media pages as determined by the Hospice Georgina Committee. Once the Ace of Spades is revealed, the game is concluded, and AGCO is notified immediately
- The raffle will be run until the Ace of Spades has been revealed.
- This raffle operates under the terms and conditions of AGCO.
- The Hospice Georgina acknowledges that as per AGCO regulations and that as the licensee, it has the final decision on how funds will be distributed amongst the eligible charities.
- The Hospice Georgina Committee reserves the right to prohibit or refuse ticket sales to any individual.
- The jackpot and weekly win estimates are just that…estimates. The Hospice Georgina Committee may use graphs and calculations based on previous performance and sales to set estimated jackpot and weekly win amounts; however, they are best estimates only, and the actual figures will only be redeemed.
- If it is deemed necessary by the Hospice Georgina Committee to move the draw to another location, AGCO will be notified of the location change. The public will also be informed using social media and local signage.
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